YouTube Marketing Tips

Filed in Social Media by Matt McGee on April 24, 2007

Stephan Spencer writes a good post at about How to Market on YouTube. This is something I believe small businesses can and should be looking to, which is why it was one of the seven ideas I listed in my Social Media Marketing for Small Business article last month on Search Engine Land.

Stephan’s YouTube marketing tips, which come from the experience of several companies who’ve found success on the site:

1. Focus on something fun, something that people will want to share with friends.

2. Clearly demonstrate the product you’re marketing.

3. Make sure the video is real; no tricks, no “smoke and mirrors.”

4. Encourage viewer participation and support, i.e. — “make your own video like ours.”

5. Take advantage of YouTube tags; use adjectives to target people searching based on mood; and match your title and description to the tags.

6. Experiment!

There are several examples of how various companies have done marketing on YouTube. The full article is a good read.

[tags]youtube, video marketing, social media marketing[/tags]

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Sites That Link to this Post

  1. (EMP) E-Marketing Performance » : » Team Reading List 4.25.07 | April 25, 2007
  2. ChannelAdvisor Blog » eBay, meet YouTube | May 12, 2007
  3. | October 31, 2008
  1. m.e.y. says:

    Don’t forget “how to contact info”, at list your website URL at the end of the video.

  2. vicki white says:

    You have to have a webcam for this advertising? or can I go to a camera store?

  3. Hani Mourra says:

    You don’t need a web cam necessarily. Most digital photo cameras have a video mode and record in formats that work well with YouTube. Just connect your camera, find the file on your camera, and upload to YouTube. It works really well from my experience. Let me know if you need any help with that.

    Also here are some more YouTube online video marketing tips from my experience:

    1. Be real. Making mistakes on camera is ok. People like to know they are dealing with real people.

    2. Connect with customers on a personal level. This will help build trust. People will buy you first, then your company, then your product.

    3. Over deliver in value in your videos.

    4. If you have a website, include it in your description, in the first line. Make sure to use “http://” before the www

    I’m sure there are lots more..I will update as they come to mind.


  4. Olivia says:

    Thanks for the post Matt! I also came across an article that lists out examples of very effective Youtube campaigns along with their video…
    Hope it’s useful!