You Ask, I Blog

Filed in Site News by Matt McGee on May 11, 2013

I’ve said before that one great way to get topics for blog posts is to ask your readers. So that’s what I’m doing!

If you have something that you think I might be able to answer or help with, or just have an idea for a blog post that you’d like to share, let me know by using the contact form on this site.

Note: Almost all of my recent consulting experience has been in the areas of social media, blogging, content development and SEO. Very little of it has been on local search/SEO. So if you have specific questions in that area, I’ll probably pass your idea on to my partners at Local U.

Thx in advance – I hope you’ll share some great questions/ideas with me!

– Matt

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  1. Ryan Bailey says:

    When I’m stuck for content I run a poll on my blog. It comes down to the old adage “if you want to know what people want, ask them!”. I base it around “what problems are you having”, “what don’t you understand”, “on which subjects do you need more information” etc. Solve people’s problems. Make sure you collect data on demographics.

    Send out an email, you’ll get far higher CTR on an email inviting someone to participate in a poll than on a promotional email. Write a post about the poll, why you are doing it, etc. That creates a buzz and on site interaction. After the polls close, write another post with your analysis. More visitor reaction and interaction. Then write content on those subjects that your visitors wanted you to write content about.

    Done properly a good poll can give you ideas for several weeks’ worth of targeted content.