Yelp Surpasses 15 Million Reviews, 41 Million Monthly Visitors

Filed in Featured, Local Search, Statistics by Matt McGee on January 5, 2011

Yelp just used its Twitter account to share year-end stats on its traffic, review quantity, and other stats about its users and how they use Yelp. The big number to me? Yelp says it now has more than 15 million reviews. Have a look:


The 41 million monthly visitors number is also impressive, and shows some solid growth just in the past couple months. When COO Geoff Donaker keynoted SMX East in October, he said that Yelp had about 38 million visitors in September.

The chart Yelp posted on Twitter also reveals that half of the site’s reviews are in the Restaurant and Shopping categories, and — surprising to me — only 4% are in the Travel/Hotel category.

Here’s the full infographic Yelp posted. You can click for the larger version.


One thing … I’ve not seen any stats on how many reviews Google, Citysearch, InsiderPages, etc., all have. Have you?

Comments (6)

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  1. I’ve found Yelp to be one of the more cited sources for Google places. These types of numbers are encouraging and will keep me listing clients there.

  2. susan brown says:

    I have a client that is a small dentist and has clients who have written Yelp reviews –but they haven’t been posted. Why not and how can we get them posted?

