Yahoo/eBay Take on Google Checkout

Filed in PPC Advertising, Yahoo by Matt McGee on April 17, 2007

Yahoo logoIt’s nice to see Yahoo fighting back against Google. Yahoo announced today that they’re integrating PayPal into Yahoo Search, in much the same way that Google has integrated Google Checkout into its own SERPs.

Faster, Simplified Online Customer Checkout

From a small business perspective, this makes Yahoo Search Marketing a much more attractive option, especially when you add in the new, improved Panama system functionality. PayPal is far and away the No. 1 checkout service for small business (42% Paypal to 6% Google Checkout, according to JP Morgan stats in January, 2007) and no doubt businesses that accept PayPal now have another reason to give Yahoo Search Marketing more consideration when spending PPC dollars.

[tags]yahoo, paypal, google checkout[/tags]

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