Yahoo to support NOODP tag

Filed in Directories, Yahoo by Matt McGee on October 12, 2006

Yahoo logo(Still catching up – only 126 more Bloglines articles to read and I’m done!)

If you’ve been reading SBS long enough, you may recall my suggestion back in July that small business owners/webmasters take advantage of the “NOODP” tag in order to stop Google and MSN from using your web site’s listing data from DMOZ – the Open Directory Project.

So it’s good to see Barry’s post yesterday on SE Roundtable with news that Yahoo! will also (finally) support the tag, too.

And count my vote with Barry’s (and Danny’s) in favor of Yahoo! also allowing businesses to not have their Yahoo! Directory listing used in natural SERPs. Tim Mayer may think they don’t need it; I think he’s wrong.

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