Yahoo Targets Small Biz (too)

Filed in Local Search, Social Media, Yahoo by Matt McGee on August 28, 2006

Yahoo logoAnd now on to Yahoo’s announcements, which are aimed toward small businesses in a more indirect way than Google Apps for Your Domain.

The thrust of the announcement is that Yahoo Local and Yahoo Maps are being integrated more tightly into Flickr and Upcoming, two of Yahoo’s popular social networking sites.

On Flickr, the integration comes in the form of tying photos to locations. Yahoo Maps plays heavy in this system that allows photographers to assign a photo to the location where it was taken, and allows users to search for photos by location. If you’re using Flickr as a marketing tool, it should be pretty obvious how this might add a little benefit to helping users find you via your photostream.

On Upcoming, the integration comes in the form of Yahoo Local event listings which are now available on Upcoming. This isn’t something a small business owner can take advantage of directly, but the value here is in more web users becoming aware of Yahoo Local Search, and that’s a Good Thing.

[tags]yahoo, yahoo local, yahoo maps, flickr,, marketing, small business, local search[/tags]

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