Who knows PHP? I have an idea for a WP plug-in…

Filed in Site News by Matt McGee on April 24, 2007

If you know PHP, I have a way you can get lots of link love from bloggers. Read on for a WordPress plug-in I’d love to see…

Jeremy L. wrote tonight at Marketing Pilgrim about something I’ve noticed, too: Many of the outbound links in the Search Recap posts on Search Engine Land use the Feedburner URL, not the URL of the actual post. This, of course, provides the blog being linked to with zero link juice.

Danny and Barry are obviously incredibly busy people, so rather than ask them to use the real URL, my idea is to add the actual URL in small font size to the start of every post. This would actually serve two purposes:

1) Make it easier for anyone to grab the URL for linking purposes without having to visit the blog.
2) Make it easier for people reading scraper sites to know the real source of the post.

Can this be done with a plug-in? Anyone want to make it? Or can it be done with some simple PHP in the blog template? I’m no programmer, so any help is appreciated….

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  1. Inside the SMM Pipe | Social Media Marketing | May 1, 2007
  1. SoloSEO says:

    There is a function built-in to wordpress, just use:

    <?php the_permalink(); ?>

    If you want to make it smaller…

    <span style=”font-size:10px;”><?php the_permalink(); ?></span>

  2. joost says:

    Let me think about this one, I’ll create it soon 🙂

  3. Mariusz says:

    It would be wonderful. Your plugin at http://www.joostdevalk.nl/code/greasemonkey/gwt-external-links/ is really great!