What’s the best web-based RSS reader?
Can you good folks recommend an online RSS reader?
Here’s my story: I’m a Mac user, and I like to use the built-in RSS reader of the default Mac browser, Safari. But, two problems:
1. I find myself using Firefox more and more, and don’t like the built-in RSS there as much as Safari’s.
2. More importantly, between my desktop machine at home, my desktop machine at work, and my laptop, I can never keep all my RSS reading up-to-date. There’s no coordination between my machines, which is really inconvenient.
So, I’m thinking a switch to web-based RSS reading is in order. What do you guys use? What would you recommend? Comments, please! And thanks in advance….
Funny, I’ve just switched from Firefox RSS (Sage) to an online version in order to watch the same sites at work and home!
I’ve tried the following: Bloglines, Newshutch, NewsGator Online, Pluck, Google Reader.
My top two would be Bloglines or NewsGator, strictly based on functionality. Those two have most of the features I am looking for in an online RSS reader, with Bloglines the one I have selected to use on a day to day basis.
Newshutch is slick, but lacking in features (I think they just launched), Google Reader seems difficult to use in my opinion, and Pluck still requires a plugin (although your feeds are kept online)…
Good luck!