What Social Media is All About

Filed in Social Media by Matt McGee on August 22, 2009

I try to take a measured approach to most things, and this video borders on being too over-the-top for my tastes (Industrial Revolution analogy? Really?) … but I think it’s still worth posting. Hopefully you agree. And hopefully you haven’t seen it yet – lots of buzz surrounding this recently.

And how nice of YouTube to let me customize the player to match my purple blog. Usability WIN.

Comments (7)

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  1. I agree with the message. I got kind of overwhelmed by how cool that video was though. I am a big fan of post-production work and that was a really good one IMO. Thanks again Matt for all the cool stuff you bring forward.

  2. Mike Ramsey says:

    Matt, Thanks for the video I hadn’t seen it yet. I am speaking at a chamber of commerce meeting and that would be a great video to show. It might give a few people seizures but that’s a risk I am willing to take.

  3. James B says:

    Good production values, and some good points made too, but, these were swamped by the hyperbole in my opinion.

    That said, as a piece of marketing for their book/blog, it looks very successful.. so mission accomplished!

  4. Jacob Stoops says:

    I saw this video somewhere else. It is top-notched! Really makes you re-consider how you think about social media.

  5. Joe says:

    I agree – the video is awesome.

    However, I think that social media as a marketing tool for small businesses is overrated. There is a lot of hype but few have measurable results to back this up imho.

  6. Matt McGee says:

    Joe, type “twitter” into the search box on this blog when you get a chance. I’ve been blogging about small businesses that are getting very good measurable results by engaging on Twitter.

  7. Really good video and enlightening statistics. If you dont mind me asking, where did you find the stats about social media?

