What Does Your PPC Ad Say About You?

Filed in PPC Advertising by Matt McGee on January 14, 2008

If you’re a company that’s desperate to get small business signups, and you don’t really have good marketing judgment, you’ll use Google AdWords to position yourself as a middleman offering a “free” link “for SEO credit”.

Merchant Circle PPC ad

(Never mind the likelihood that most of your business listing pages have no PageRank to speak of. Heck, not even the top business promoted on your Member Showcase page has any PR on its business listing page.)

On the other hand, if you’re a company that’s been in trouble because Google considers you a middleman that offers links for SEO credit, you’ll wisely change your tune and promote the idea of links-for-traffic instead of links-for-SEO-credit.

Pay Per Post PPC ad

Strange times we’re marketing in, aren’t they?

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  1. mblumenthal says:

    Micrchant Circle is a piece of work…they just sent me another email noting that someone has made an inquiry and that I needed to log in to answer some innocuous question. When I did, there was no question there.

    What a way for their logs to clock customer “loyalty”.

    The sad thing is if their service is needed. If only it worked and worked with integrity.

    Mike Blumenthal

  2. SoniaC says:

    Brilliant find… I’m wondering what percentage of that ad’s target knows what SEO stands for?