Welcome, Learn About Web Attendees

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on November 10, 2008

logoIt was great to meet so many small business owners and employees last Friday at the Learn About Web conference here in my hometown of Tri-Cities, Washington. If you’re one of those attendees, this post is just for you. Everybody else can move along. 🙂

1. Want to contact me? Easiest way is to use the Contact link up above to send an email. I’d love to hear what you thought of the seminar!

2. Want to connect with me? You can connect with me on Twitter or perhaps on LinkedIn. I list a bunch of other social networking sites I’m part of on my about Matt McGee page.

3. Want to learn about online marketing? My playbook of online marketing is best summed up in something I created called the SEO Success Pyramid. It’s about much more than SEO, actually — including social media, word-of-mouth marketing, reputation management, and much more. In addition to the article, there’s a free download of a printable version of the pyramid. My industry peers have been very generous in their praise of the SEO Success Pyramid, and it’s been translated into a few different languages. I think you’ll get something from it.

4. Want to learn specifically about SEO? I have 2+ years of articles here on this blog, and would suggest you start any browsing in the My Best Posts category. But to save yourself the time of hunting for gems, let me suggest you order a copy of my SEO e-book, How to SEO Your Site in 60 Minutes. The title is kinda gimmicky, but the information inside isn’t. It’s not too long — just 21 pages — and it’s written for folks who are new to SEO in language you’ll understand. Best of all, it’s only $25 and you get any updates for free.

5. Want to hire me? I already have several commitments, but might be available to provide some consulting and/or training in the right situation. Contact me and let me know as much as possible about you, your business, your current online marketing situation, and what your needs are.

If you’d just like to say “hello,” that would be cool, too. You can drop me a line via the contact link above, or just leave a comment on this post. I hope you enjoyed the seminar on Friday as much as I and the other speakers did!

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