Welcome GetListed Local University – Spokane Attendees

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on April 27, 2012

If you’re reading this while at the GetListed Local University workshop, a big welcome to you. Thanks for visiting SmallBusinessSEM.com. In my presentation, I mention several web sites, articles, and other links that you may not have had time to jot down while I was speaking. If that’s the case, here are all the references I made in chronological order:

Localeze/15miles: Local Search Study: Use of social networking sites to search for local businesses
Localeze/15miles: Local Search Study: 63% of consumers likely to use a small business if it has a social networking presence

Timeline example: Amsterdam Printing
Sprout Insights: Fan Engagement Increases 46 Percent After Timeline
ReadWriteWeb: Brands See Fan Engagement Drop in First Month of Facebook Timeline
AllFacebook: SHOCKER: 3% To 7.5% Of Fans See Your Page’s Posts
Small Business Search Marketing: Photos Draw Most Facebook Interactions, Links Draw the Least

CNN: Google Plus users spent just 3.3 minutes there last month

VentureBeat: Pinterest now the third most popular social network after Facebook & Twitter

If you have any questions or feedback about my presentation or the session in general, feel free to leave a comment below. There’s also a Contact button at the top of the page. I’d love to hear from you!

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