Wanna learn about Local Business Databases/Listings?

Filed in Conferences/Educ., Local Search by Matt McGee on August 16, 2009

Search Marketing NowI’m usually not much into the webcast/webinar scene, but as soon as I hit the ‘publish” button on this post, I’ll be grabbing a spot in a local search webinar that’s coming up this Wednesday:

Local Business Listings: Straight Talk With the Data Providers

Gib Olander from Localeze, Pankaj Mathur from InfoUSA, and Jonathan Cohn from Acxiom will be the featured guests. These are the three primary local business database providers, and I expect we’ll all learn a lot about how they gather and update business listings, and how small business owners can stay on top of their business listings in each database.

The webcast is free, and it start at 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST this Wednesday, August 19th.

(Disclaimer, if needed: The webinar is hosted by Search Marketing Now, a sister company to Search Engine Land, where I’m the Assignment Editor.)

Comments (3)

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  1. Mike Ramsey says:

    I signed up a few days ago and it will be my first webinar…outside of the college ones I was required to watch. If I remember right, during the sign up process there was a place you could write in some pre-questions that they might address.

  2. Justin M. says:

    Nice, looks like we got a double header on Wednesday. There’s the SEOmoz tools conference call at 8:30 PST.

    I think it’s going to be very important to fully understand how these companies gather, update, and manage these listings. Really looking forward to it. Thanks for the heads up Matt!

  3. katie ham says:

    I would love to know if they do another one. I just found this post today a few hours late!