Update on the eggs…
Sounds off-topic, doesn’t it? But, it’s not! 🙂
Back in April, in one of my first posts on SBS, I wrote a post that amounted to a reminder not to put all your eggs in one basket. There were, I think, about 7 SBS readers at the time, so the vast majority of you missed it.
Tonight, some handy stats to back up that message, courtesy of Forrester Research’s North American Consumer Technology Adoption Study 2006. The study reports that 62 percent of people aged 18-40 years old use Google … but only 25 percent use Google exclusively.
Chew on that for a second. The takeaway is obvious: for 3/4ths of the 18-40 crowd, if Google doesn’t give them what they want, they’re off to the next search engine (Yahoo, MSN, Ask, etc.). So as I was saying back in April … don’t put all your eggs in Google’s baskets.