Unleashed: A Search Conference Just for Small Businesses

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on November 15, 2007

Small Business Marketing UnleashedThis is pretty cool. The gang at Search Engine Guide, fresh off their re-launch of Small Business Brief a couple weeks ago, has just announced a new search/marketing conference just for small businesses. Sweet! It’s called … drum-roll, please:

Small Business Marketing Unleashed

Get it? “Unleashed”? The puppy mascot? 🙂

It’ll happen April 21-22 in Houston at a conference center that has a full-scale replica of The Alamo. Attendance will be limited and the cost is only $850 before March 1st, $975 after.

I suppose I should mention that I’ll be speaking for an hour-and-a-half on Local Search. (Yikes.)

If you’re a small business owner, I highly recommend adding this to your 2008 plans. The lineup of speakers is terrific, myself notwithstanding.

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