Two New Articles (and a fun, new page!)

Filed in Miscellaneous by Matt McGee on October 30, 2007

Since you can’t get enough of my byline, here are two articles I’ve written that are now available on other sites:

The Gooruze article is #2 in an SEO Basics series I’m writing which has been well received.

The DM News article was interesting: The topic/headline was given to me, and I was asked to write … I think it was 500 words max. Might’ve been 600 words. Anyway, my first draft came in at TWICE the limit, so I ended up spending more time editing it down than I spent writing it. That was quite a challenge to try to say what needed to be said in so few words.

Oh, one more thing…

Matt McGee: Best SEO Ever … could it be? Ha!

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