Twitter Tips for Small Business

Filed in Social Media by Matt McGee on July 17, 2009

sbt-tipsLittle secret: A couple weeks ago I started writing a small business Twitter guide. It’s not finished yet, and now I’m not sure I even need to finish it. 🙂 Over on Small Business Trends yesterday, Anita Campbell collected tips and hints from her readers and published:

137 Small Business Twitter Tips

It’s a free e-book in PDF form, and an absolute must-read for any small business — whether you’re already using Twitter or not. I’m honored to have a tip included in the e-book.

Comments (6)

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  1. Tracee Keyes says:

    Thanks for sharing this information. My local business friends will love the tips!

  2. Katie says:

    This is a great post!

    Alot of my clients have asked me where they can find a comprehensive guide to using Twitter as a platform – I will definately direct them here.


  3. Awesome! Great find, I am going to send this to my customers interested in benefiting from Twitter.

  4. Ryan Rose says:


    This is an excellent post at just the right time.


  5. Sera says:


    Here are a few more –
    1. Search Twitter bios
    2. Search other’s followers
    3. Search for other users on WeFollow
    4. Follow relevant hashtags and phrases

  6. Martin Sejas says:

    I downloaded the pdf from Small Business Trends a couple of days ago and I found it to be very insightful and useful … highly recommended!