Tuesday Night Link-o-rama

Filed in Google, Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on December 26, 2006

Because the holidays have me reading at odd intervals and posting has fallen behind, there was no “Friday Night Link-o-rama” last week, and there may not be one this week, either. So how about a Tuesday version, instead, to fill the gap? Sounds good to me, especially since it’s a quick post and there’s not a lot going on these days….

Let’s start with some Google-related words and definitions from Matt Cutts. He posted right before Christmas on the difference between algorithm updates and data refreshes, plus a couple other phrases, too. And any day now, he’ll be ranking #1 for each one. 🙂 Regardless, we should all be on the same page where Google terminology — “Googleology” — is concerned.

How’s this for a list post? Check out Aviva Directory’s list of 99 “Little Known Ways to Brand on the Cheap.”

I haven’t actually downloaded these yet, but they seem to be something the small business owner might want to have a look at. Stephan Spencer has posted a couple recent presentations on e-mail marketing which he gave to the Professional Association of Innkeepers International conference. His description of the presentations:

These presentations were targeted to small business owners (owners of Bed & Breakfasts) with a low to moderate level of sophistication in Internet Marketing.

That’s all for now. I’m back at work tomorrow during the day and will try to finish up a couple posts after dinner(s) this week, stuff I want to get out before year’s end.

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