Tuesday Morning Link-o-rama
With so much travel lately, it’s been a while since I’ve done a Friday night roundup post. So how about I get caught up a bit tonight? Yep, I thought so.
You already know AskCity.com has launched, and now here’s a lot more detail as John Battelle interviews Ask CEO Jim Lanzone about the new project. Good information, including an abbreviated list of the sites AskCity crawls to get user reviews.
The Google-Intuit deal was just the beginning, it seems. Peter Krasilovsky writes from the Kelsey Group conference about Google’s (further) plans to bring small- and medium-sized businesses into the world of online marketing. Some very interesting things in there, esp. the stuff about real-time local inventory. Wouldn’t that be a killer app?
So, you like those nifty SEO tools, do you? You’ll be hard-pressed to find a better collection than what We Build Pages offers, and Jim Boykin recently announced some updates to their tool set.
And when you’re done there… you’ll also want to read Michael Gray’s tips on using the WBP tool set in your SEO projects.
All dressed up and looking great is how I’d describe the new SearchEngineJournal.com design.
If you’re thinking about buying links, you might want to spend some time reading the Beginners Guide to Buying Links for SEO from TextLinkBrokers.com. Good stuff there.
That’s a good start on catching up, but I’m sure there’ll be lots more for the regular Friday night roundup.