Top 21 Signs You Need a Break from SEO

Filed in MY BEST POSTS, SEO by Matt McGee on September 22, 2006

1) You wish the people who do movie credits would start spelling stunt dubl the right way.

2) When helping a client find the right domain, you suggest she add “moz” to the legal business name.

3) The S, E, and O keys on your keyboard are broken.

4) When your son tells you he wants to go play in the sandbox, you tell him it doesn’t exist.


5) When your son tells you he wants to go play in the sandbox, you fear you won’t see him again for eight months.

6) You think the idea of spending four days in Chicago in December sounds fun.

7) You can pronounce Krasilovsky.

8) You giggle like a little girl every time you tell the butcher you’d like some pork Cuttlets.

9) Latent Semantic Indexing makes sense to you.

10) When your child asks you to explain the myth of Sisyphus, you tell her about the DMOZ submission process.

11) You lay awake at night wondering who would win a foot race: a marketing pilgrim or a marketing sherpa.

12) You feel uncomfortable and out of place at a minor league baseball game because you don’t see a Text Link Ads advertisement on the outfield wall.

13) At the same ball game, you wonder why the souvenir stand is only selling gray hats.

14) On a visit to the zoo, you realize that the graywolf, web guerilla, and randfish exhibits must be closed. You’re pissed about that.

15) You know the URLs for Search Engine Guide, Search Engine Herald, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Lowdown, Search Engine Roundtable, and Search Engine Watch, and can explain the nuances which make each unique, not to mention rattle off the list of writers for each one, including those who write for more than one of them.

16) Following in the footsteps of Cartoon Barry, your brilliant idea for 2007 is to create an alter-ego for yourself called “SEO Shaft.” Your blog’s tagline will be “Can ya Digg it?”

17) You wish every search engine had a duplicate content filter as good as TiVo’s.

18) When your daughter brings home a new boyfriend to meet you, your first thought is to check his backlinks.

19) Your second thought is to warn them about the dangers of reciprocal linking.

20) You just wrote an article titled “50 Amazing Things For Sale in My Garage This Weekend.” You think the local paper will publish it. Or at least link to it.

21) You laughed at anything on this list!

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Sites That Link to this Post

  1. » Blog Archive » Top 21 Signs You Need a Break from SEO | September 22, 2006
  2. » 11 More Signs You Need a Break From SEO - Stuntdubl - SEO Consultant | September 22, 2006
  3. 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Blogs, Google and SEO Blog | September 22, 2006
  4. Sometimes Ya Gotta Laugh at Yourself | September 22, 2006
  5. That Girl From Marketing » Display Ads + Search Ad = $$$, Gender Marketing in Web Design, SEO Addiction & Microsite Shelf Life | September 22, 2006
  6. Greg Hartnett’s Linkblog | September 22, 2006
  7. 搜索引擎优化排名SEO每天一贴 | September 24, 2006
  8. All About SEO by Isulong SEOph » Are you over-SEO’d? | October 10, 2006
  9. j4s0n » Blog Archive » Signs You Need A Break as an SEO | October 11, 2006
  10. SEO Blog | Utah Search Engine Optimization | SEO Tips | Internet Marketing Blog » Funniest SEO post I have read in a long time. | December 2, 2006
  11. Jeff Woelker ~ Chicago Web, Search, and Usability Consultant » SEOverload | December 6, 2006
  12. Need a Break from SEO? | December 8, 2006
  13. Du brauchst sofort eine SEO Pause! beim nXplorer SEO & Marketing Blog | December 9, 2006
  14. ituloy angsulong : Top 21 Signs You Need a Break from SEO | December 19, 2006
  15. Favorite SEO/SEM Posts of 2006 - Stuntdubl - SEO Consultant | December 31, 2006
  16. The Link Baiting Playbook: Hooks Revisited - Stuntdubl - Search Engine Marketing Consultant | January 12, 2007
  17. Life Strategy Tips Blog » Blog Archive » My Blogmarks for 2007-01-13 | January 12, 2007
  18. Funniest SEO post I have read in a long time. | July 30, 2007
  19. PageTraffic Blog -SEO, Link Building, Life at PageTraffic » Blog Archive When You Need A Break From SEO? » | September 13, 2007
  20. 23 (Likely) Signs You Need A Break from Search Engine Marketing : SEO Hong Kong | HK Search Marketing and Optimization Blog | November 6, 2007
  21. | January 7, 2008
  22. 26 Jokes About SEO « Mathew - Search Engine Marketing Blog | February 1, 2008
  23. September 2011 SEO Linkbait Examples | Prodigal Solutions | October 10, 2011
  1. Hilarious list! Great way to start my Friday. And happy day before your birthday!

  2. Matt McGee says:

    Rebecca — shhhhhh! I don’t tell anyone about my b-day. 🙂 Did I actually put that in my SEOmoz profile? Yikes. Well, thank you in advance. And glad you like the list. Todd has some good additions on Hee-hee. Fun Friday – I like it.

  3. rustybrick says:

    That was great, made me laugh…

  4. jadr says:

    Nice nice, made me laugh on a boooring business day at the office 🙂


  5. t2dman says:

    Thanks for the jokes. Just what I needed to spice up an SEO conference presentation.

  6. abhishek says:

    This was hilarious but i loved the following and cant’t stop laughing.
    S,E,O words are missing then the daughter and son one.Well we all play in sand and hopefully you come out of the syndrome and know that u can play in sands too as for daughter yeah its good to check for backlinks (Read family) that will give u a good idea abt him 😀

  7. Nick says:

    Very funny list. Laughed at most of them so must need a break myself…i’ll give it a few minutes then back to work.

  8. Erin says:

    I found your list of SEO humor. Thanks for providing this list!

    I’m currently working as an intern at Webbed Marketing, an SEO social media marketing agency. In the midst of the Holiday season, I wanted to share our Christmas wishes with you, in the form of “Twas the Night Before An Algo Change”

    I hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks, please let me know if I can provide any additional information.

  9. Bruce Jones says:

    It is funny that us guys in the trenches can all relate to most of these.

  10. Arnie Kuenn says:

    OMG – someone in our office just Tweeted this. How true this is 4 years later!

  11. Nice joke. I really thought it was a serious SEo topic. but nonetheless it’s worth the time to read.

    thanks once again.

  12. Ashish says:

    You starting smirking hearing the word Google when it is on CNN and related to their stock price.

    You wish to give out your garage for $100 less so that in turn the tenant can give you a link from their site.