The Slow Growth of Podcasting

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on March 22, 2007

Tom Webster of Edison Media Research shares some current statistics on the growth of podcasting, and wonders if the glass is half-empty or half-full.

On the bright side, 37% of people have heard of podcasting — that’s up from just 22% a year ago. But on the flip side, podcast listening is up only 2% from last year. Here’s the chart:

Podcast listenership 2007

Ages ago, I wrote a page here on SBS that encourages and helps small businesses experiment with podcast advertising: How to Market on Podcasts. These latest stats are a blessing and a curse from a marketing perspective: More listeners makes your marketing go farther. Fewer listeners keeps the costs under control.

Despite the slow growth of podcast listenership, I still believe it’s a very viable advertising option for some small businesses. If you can find the right podcast that will deliver the right audience, you can safely bet that will be a very passionate audience. Clearly, the stats show that passionate listeners are just about all the listeners.

[tags]podcasts, podcasting, podcast advertising[/tags]

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