The Police to Launch World Tour

Filed in Off-Topic by Matt McGee on February 8, 2007

The PoliceYou’ve probably heard the rumors, too. Here’s the latest one I’ve seen. Announcement on Monday, right after they reunite for the Grammy Awards on Sunday.

You may know that I’m a longtime, major league U2 geek, but there was also a time in the early 80s when The Police were my band. I had all the records, posters all over my walls, and even did a school report on their song, “Bombs Away.”

I kinda think I might want to go see them play. But considering the high-price of major concert tours (Rolling Stones @ $450/ticket, Madonna @ $300, Cher at $261) … what on earth is a ticket to see The Police going to cost??? And what would you be willing to pay?

[tags]police tour, concert tickets, sting[/tags]

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