The One SES Secret You Need to Know (for next time)

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on April 12, 2007

If you attend one session at future SES shows, make sure it’s the “Landing Page Testing and Tuning” session. Tim Ash of Site Tuners gives out $20 bills to people in the audience who answer questions correctly! He even filters out “duplicate content” — people who answer because they’ve been at one of his sessions before.

I think the sum total from Wednesday’s session was $80 in generosity.

Nice move, Tim!

That’s Tim speaking in the photo. He doesn’t stand up behind the podium, but uses a lapel mic and walks around the front of the dais. So, another tip: Sit up close to the front for a better shot at your $20….

[tags]sesny2007, tim ash[/tags]

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