Stats, stats, and more stats

Filed in Site News, Statistics by Matt McGee on October 24, 2006

I often find myself needing quick access to a stat I remember reading about or writing about before, and I often find myself struggling to find the numbers I need. So that’s prompted me to create a new category here on SBS:


In a nutsehell, any post that mentions stats or numbers in some educational way will be put into this category. Maybe it helps you find old information, too.

And speaking of stats, a MediaPost news brief recaps some numbers from a recent Yahoo! survey that covers the relationship between online research and offline buying in the electronics industry:

Online research influenced $25.1 billion worth of consumer electronics purchases, or 77% of the total $32.5 billion spent on electronics, according to a new study commissioned by Yahoo and the Consumer Electronics Association. While most purchases–71%–were made in brick-and-mortar stores, the study found that about three in four buyers also researched the products on the Web.

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