Sphinn says: Seattle is Search Capital of the World

Filed in Miscellaneous by Matt McGee on September 21, 2007

I think we can all agree that Sphinn has established itself as a great arbiter of what’s Good and Bad in the general search industry. There’s no “bury brigade” playing games with the system. There’s not much spam, and what little there is gets dealt with quickly. (Disclosure: I’m a moderator.) And most importantly, the cream tends to rise to the top and the rest doesn’t. All of this happens via the power of democracy – the votes are what counts.

My point: The Sphinn community knows search. And, according to the community’s voting, Seattle is the Search Capital of the World. How so? Just look at the Greatest Hits page. The top three submissions are all from Seattle search marketers. Yeah, baby.

Sphinn Seattle


Oh, and if you scroll down a little further, No. 5 is from Vanessa F., another Seattleite.

Who’s your daddy? Seattle is…..

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