Speaking of Link Building… (Thx Florida!)

Filed in Off-Topic by Matt McGee on April 2, 2007

basketballI know “Florida” has bad, bad connotations for many search marketers, but not me. Thanks to tonight’s Florida Gators win in the NCAA Men’s Hoops title game, yours truly is the winner of the 33-expert SEO Gang online pool.

Yep. Moi. 🙂

We didn’t wager any money, but there was lots of talk about the winner getting links as a prize. So I can’t wait to get my links from Andy Beal, Rebecca Kelley, Patrick Schaber, Paul O’Brien (how about from the HP home page, Paul?), Scott Orth, Scott Fish, Karl Ribas, Simon Heseltine, Tim Dineen, Mike Belasco, Taylor Pratt, and the rest.

Talk about a great link building campaign!

Ooooh, this feels good. And I don’t even like the Florida Gators…….

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  1. pratt says:

    Congrats Matt. I’ll have my link up later today.

  2. ExposureTim says:

    Congrats Matt!

    I guess I shouldn’t have picked UConn to go all the way this year 😉

  3. Matt McGee says:

    Thanks Taylor and thanks Tim — I got lucky. But sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good! We’ll do it again next year, yes?

  4. Matt – Congrats! Your link is up – let the conspiracy theories begin.