Speaking at SES San Jose

Filed in Miscellaneous by Matt McGee on June 24, 2006

It is quite an honor to be able to say that I’ll be speaking at the big Search Engine Strategies – San Jose conference in August. Yep, little ‘ol me…. who’da thunk it?

I’ll be speaking during the Big Ideas for Small Sites & Small Budgets session on Wednesday morning. It’ll be a pleasure to meet and speak with Jennifer Laycock, whom I only know from good conversations on the Small Business Ideas Forum (which is a good resource for small business owners, by the way).

So, yeah … very cool to be speaking at SES. Would love to meet any SBS readers if you happen to be attending the conference.


(Quick note: while I’m in this period of spotty internet access, I’ve changed commenting to require my approval before a comment is posted. So if you do comment on SBS, be patient and I’ll get it approved first chance I get. Thx.)

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