Speaking at SES San Jose

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on July 17, 2007

SES San Jose is just a month away, and I’m looking forward to the chance to speak again at the conference where I had my first speaking gig a year ago. No, despite my crying, the Small Biz session isn’t coming back, so I’ll miss the chance to speak with Jennifer Laycock, John Carcutt, and others.

Internet Retailer surveyI’ll be speaking instead on the User Generated Content & Search panel, where it’ll be a pleasure to share the podium with two more people I really respect: Andrew Goodman and Lee Odden. (And one more speaker might be added, too.)

My focus for that panel will be on user reviews and testimonials, which is a Hot Topic these days. The image at right is from the very recent Internet Retailer survey of about 200 online retailers and manufacturers, which shows that adding user ratings and reviews is the No. 1 priority for more than half the survey respondents.

In my presentation, I hope to make the case to any non-believers that allowing user reviews on your site is a must, to share some tips on how to implement user reviews and testimonials, and if time allows, where and how to get user reviews.

If you’re planning to be at SES next month, I hope you’ll make a point to say hello!

Comments (2)

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  1. Miriam says:

    Hi Matt,
    Any chance anyone might video your presentation? I’d surely love to see this. I religiously follow all of the coverage I can when SES happens, but it can be hard to read those grammar-free live postings. Video would just be great.

    I’m sure you’ll do a super job, and I would really like to learn more about customer reviews. I am sure they have got to be one of the biggest, most important developments in the Internet business world in recent times.

    Completely off topic…congrats on the staying power you are having on the front page of Sphinn. That is the most distracting place. I am spending way too much time there.


  2. Matt McGee says:

    I think any audio/video of the speaker presentations is completely in the hands of Incisive Media, Miriam. It’s nothing I have control of, I think.

    I gather you won’t be at SES? I was hoping to say hello!