SMX Seattle Agenda

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on March 20, 2007

SMX logoDanny S. has posted the full agenda for his first Search Marketing Expo, which kicks off in my backyard (Seattle) on June 4th and 5th.

There are still a few slots to fill, but by far the most intriguing session appears to be one of the last on Day Two: Give It Up! Seriously, how cool would it be to have SMX security guards (wearing blue and green, natch) forcibly confiscating laptops so no one can blog the session, and blocking Matt Cutts and other engine reps from even entering the room? Sign me up for that stuff!

Actually, I will be there for the initial SMX and would like to invite any sports fans to arrive early: The Mariners have a home game Sunday afternoon at 1:05 pm and if you’ve never seen Safeco Field … well, you’re missing out. Anyone interested in going to the game, please gimme a holler.

[tags]search marketing expo, smx, smx seattle[/tags]

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