SMX Local/Mobile Conference Looks Good

Filed in Miscellaneous by Matt McGee on June 12, 2008

SMX Local and MobileHave you ever felt snakebitten? That’s how I feel when it comes to local/mobile search conferences: For a variety of reasons, I’ve never been able to attend one of these conferences. Doesn’t matter which ones — the Kelsey shows, the Incisive shows, or the SMX shows. Every time one is scheduled, I end up missing it. By all accounts, I’m missing some excellent shows, too.

The next one coming up is SMX Local & Mobile, which happens July 24-25 in San Francisco. Third Door Media just announced the speaker lineup today, and it’s practically a Who’s Who of local and mobile search:

There are sessions covering local & mobile SEO tactics, local/social tactics, local/blended search issues, and a lot more. I’m betting it’ll be a great two days.

And I’ll miss it. We’re having company that week at Casa McGee. Snakebitten, I’m telling ya…

Comments (3)

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  1. Will Scott says:

    Doggone it! I figured it was a just an oversight you weren’t listed.

    Oh well, the good news is this way you can help me with my presentation since you convinced me to put my name in!

    Sorry I won’t have your company there.

  2. Matt McGee says:

    Not an oversight, sorry bud. And yes, let me know how I can help. I’m looking forward to hearing how it went when all is said and done.

  3. Steve McStud says:

    Maybe I can skype you in the middle of my presentation and it will be like you are almost there.