SMX Day One Wrap

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on June 4, 2007

Danny & Matt Cutts

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Day one of SMX Advanced is in the books, particularly for those of us whose laptop batteries ran out of juice and forgot to bring the AC adaptor with them to the convention center. D’oh!

For that reason, I had to pass on the “Personalized Search: Fear or not?” session. You should check Lisa Barone’s recap of that session or Tamar Weinberg’s recap if you haven’t already.

Plans for tonight include the Google Party at 9:00 p.m. Plans for tomorrow include a walk through the expo hall for some photo-taking and (perhaps) schwag acquisition. 🙂 Then three more sessions on the organic track. Fingers crossed that my laptop battery survives.

I’ve added a lot more photos from today to my SMX Advanced Seattle 2007 photo set on Flickr.

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