SMX Advanced: Give It Up (next month)

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on June 5, 2007

SMX: Give It Up

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The official session description for this one warned that we wouldn’t be allowed to blog this session, which I kinda thought was something between a joke and an attempt at pre-show hype.

I was wrong. (gasp!) Despite the best efforts of yours truly, Lisa Barone, and later Tamar Weinberg — and a well-timed “if you blog it, you die” threat from someone in a position of authority with the initials DS — the official warning was official reality. After a lot of hemming and hawing, we were given a one-month embargo.

Thanks to Barry Schwartz (the hardest working guy in search!), you can see us somewhat frustrated bloggers in (non-)action.

DS did say we could blog the very beginning, but nothing once the panelists started speaking, so here’s what I typed up to that point:


Jennifer Slegg
Mike Grehan
Mikkel deMib Svendsen
Stephan Spencer
Shari Thurow
Jill Whalen
Bruce Clay
Todd Friesen
Greg Boser

Danny says we are free to talk about this in one month. Matt Cutts is allowed to stay in the session, but he has to also share one secret and the audience will vote if the secret is good enough. If we vote yes, Matt stays. If not, he’s gone.

Greg Boser says he doesn’t know what he’s going to share because he thought Matt Cutts wouldn’t be here.

— end —

The rest of this post will be available on July 5th.

Comments (2)

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  1. Ciaran says:

    Did you think the stuff revealed was worth the big hoopla? A couple of the speakers really got into the spirit, but some of them seemed like they’d just turned up with no real thought….

  2. Matt McGee says:

    That’s exactly my impression, too, Ciaran. There were 3-4 of the 8 who followed the spirit of the session. The others … blah. I thought it kinda sucked to have a couple of them start their presentation with “I don’t have any secrets….” — why did you accept the speaking invite, then?

    But the ones who did share some nuggets — those folks were quite helpful, I thought.