Small Biz Owners: Warming Up to Blogging
Found this one on the US News & World Report web site — it cites a study of 1,210 small businesses with fewer than 100 employees:
While celebrities and the under 25-year-old population are flocking to Twitter, small business owners are just realizing the full potential of blogging. Use of blogs for specific business purposes more than doubled in the last 12 months, and 40% of small business owners now use this medium in their business.
The reference at the end there to “use this medium” means either writing or reading blogs. Either way, I take it as a step in the right direction. With nearly every small business client I can remember working with, I’ve always recommended some kind of content development strategy. You have to continue producing good, original content — and a business blog is a good way to do that.
Blogging is a great advantage for a small biz. The only problem is the commitment that the small biz owner needs to put into a blog. The owner needs to be committed to the blog and ensure that it gets updated at least once a week.
It is a commitment, Joan, no doubt about that. I usually tell clients to try for 2x per week minimum because once a week is too easy to skip … and when that happens, you end up going 10-14 days without a post. If you’re doing 2x per week and you miss one, at least there’s still some “this week” content there.
I can’t imagine any kind of business that would not benefit from a blog as a marketing tool. I think the 40% figure stated is high, though. I seem to remember reading someplace else that only 29% of people read blogs (or know they’re reading them, anyway).
That’s the thing with these stats, Cindy — the line between blogs and web sites is really getting blurred thanks to blog theme developers and the way you can use WordPress as much more than a traditional blog. I think a lot of people may not even realize it anymore when they’re reading a blog.