Small biz? Doing SEM? You’re ahead of the game…

Filed in SEM, Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on January 10, 2007

Down in Arizona today, Dave Wallace met with a network of small business owners in his local area — people from banking to home improvement to auto repair and more. He says he gave them a basic pitch on SEM and SEO, and then….

What shocked me a bit was when I polled the group as to who was currently doing any kind of search marketing. Two people out of the twenty raised their hands. The remaining either were not doing any search marketing of were completely unaware of its existence.

So, so true. This is one reason why I think it’s so great that the SES conferences continue to do our Small Biz session, and I hope Danny’s new SMX conference will, too. (Though, at only two days long and with a stated target of advanced marketing, I have a feeling small biz won’t be on the agenda.) But, really, the conference sessions are geared toward the 10% from Dave’s meeting who know about search marketing.

How do we get the other 90% to hop on board?

For the small biz owners who are doing SEM and SEO: Hats off for being well ahead of the game where small businesses and online marketing are concerned.

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  1. Up in Nova Scotia, Canada today and saw your post. Our family business has been in the game of getting small/medium sized businesses online for over 12 years. If given the right support – they learn quick! My feeling is the tide is turning. It’s an exciting time for small businesses with,, Google Maps and Yahoo! Local. The industry just needs more dynamic businesses who’ll help them get there and take advantage of the opportunity.