SES San Jose Housecleaning

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on August 26, 2007

The yard work is done, the house work is done, I’m caught up on sleep, and it’s back to work tomorrow after an enjoyable week at SES San Jose. Among the many things I learned last week:

  • Some Google employees use their “20% time” on playing pool.
  • Don’t challenge those employees to a game of pool, nor allow them to challenge you.
  • Don’t ask for separate checks when your group eats at Gordon Biersch.
  • Google serves the best pork on the planet. (So I’m told.)

Okay, that’s just the non-search stuff I learned. I’ll have a couple more posts in the next few days with some more thoughts on SES, but for now, here’s some housecleaning:

1. It was a real honor to share the podium Thursday with Andrew Goodman and Lee Odden on the “User Generated Content & Search” panel. If you missed it, I’m hoping to convert my presentation into a post or a series of posts here on SBS. In the meantime, you can read recaps written by Lisa Barone or Barry Schwartz. I haven’t seen any other recaps of our session, but if I’m missing one that you wrote, drop a note in the comments, please, and I’ll add a link.

2. I’ve uploaded about three dozen photos from San Jose to my SBS Flickr account. Here’s the full set.

More to come….

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  1. I’m fully expecting to turn on ESPN and see those Google employees who beat us playing for some kind of national pool championship! That wasn’t fair. Don’t they know they shouldn’t treat customers that way? 🙂

  2. mrrex says:

    Amen, Schaber.

    And I will vouch for the pork. i’m still dreaming of it a week later.