SES New York: Bookmark Strategies
Bookmark Strategies
Todd Malicoat,
Lee Odden, Top Rank
Michael Gray, Atlas Web Service
Neil Patel, ACS (Q&A only)
A veritable Who’s Who of SEO Blogging is here (alpha order): Lisa Barone, Jim Boykin, Cameron Olthuis, Barry Schwartz, and (I think) Chris Winfield. I’m here, too, representing the Who’s That? of SEO Blogging.
Lee Odden
will do an introduction to bookmarking
Web-based bookmarks: The wisdom of crowds
— one-click saving, tagging, sharing, RSS, etc.
Social Media includes social news and social bookmarks
Social News: Digg, Netscape, Reddit
Social Bookmarks:, furl, Google bookmarks
— is most popular; significant traffic opportunity
— furl – medium traffic opportunity
— blinklist – medium traffic opportunity
— ma.gnolia – medium traffic opportunity
— Google Bookmarks – medium/low traffic opportunity, but growing; using this service will affect your personalized search results, so encourage users to bookmark your content with this service
Todd Malicoat
will focus on
Why use it? “For me, it’s all about the links.”
1) Bookmark aggregation: “popular” posts are scraped elsewhere; great anchor text; users post their bookmarks on their sites – get lots of links, even from .edu pages
2) Real bookmarks
3) Real traffic – top 200 Alexa site
4) Smart, savvy users — tends to be older crowd than Digg users; 60% are 25-44 years old
— coordinate the launch; need 30-50 bookmarks within 24 hours to make “popular” page
— ask friends to bookmark your submissions
— use tools: call to action at end of article, but don’t overkill (Lee said this, too); call to action at beginning of article; Tagometer offered by;
Michael Gray
Using bookmarking tools for research – what are people bookmarking? what do they like? what don’t they like?
Research on:
1) Digg – search with “show buried stories” to see what people don’t like
2) Netscape — have to use Yahoo to do this, i.e. [ keyword]
3) StumbleUpon — make friends with people who stumble sites in your niche
4) — use network to make friends; watch who bookmarks related material and study the tags they use
Track your company name
Track your competitors
^^ use Google Alerts, Yahoo Alerts, RSS, etc.
Q&A Session
Don’t always have the same 30 friends submit/bookmark – will look spammy and you’ll be caught.
Paid content is a barrier to this type of marketing; give it away for free, or make it free for the 1st week before putting it behind the paid wall.
Social bookmarking is not a way to get links to your home page. Deep links are good.
It’s about links more than conversion/sales. Social visitors don’t usually convert well.
[tags]sesny2007, social marketing[/tags]
Users who build bookmarks provide a rich picture of their online preferences and attitudes. Next generation bookmarking and tagging platforms will give marketers a wealth of new customer insight to better target with.