SES Chicago: Video Search Optimization

Filed in Conferences/Educ., SEO by Matt McGee on December 4, 2006

SES ChicagoMy notes from the Monday, 9:00 am, panel on “Video Search Optimization”

Jon Leicht, Intuit

– nobody is optimizing video files

* Start with a plan. Where are you submitting? What info do you need? Each SE is different in how you submit.
* Create a “meta toolkit” detailing set of instructions for each SE; size, keywords, compression, etc.
* Meta selection can use data from other campaigns, but needs to be more descriptive.
* File naming is critical.
* Page content impacts media search.

* add meta info during encoding; have to redo meta info if converting from one video format to another
* be conservative with meta info because there are limits to amount that will be used

– bandwidth less of a concern than ever
– people click the hi-bandwidth version because the assumption is higher quality
– file format less of a concern

– each engine is unique

– submit site URL, video directory, and content category
– keep all media in one directory, i.e. —

– upload media
– add meta and content information
– has video “dashboard”; update information about videos, manage files, and reporting stats
– file format not important

– start with good quality; YT re-compresses video into their own format
– flooded with content, so must OPTIMIZE

– visual analysis and speech recognition of all videos
– indexes podcasts, audio, video
– indexing only via RSS feed only

– standard site crawl/submit URL
– optimize links to the file with good anchor text (description of video)

– people not searching for quality yet
– lots of experimentation still on how to index, how to search, how to serve media, etc.
– ease of upload dilutes quality content — lots of junk

Eric Papczun, Performics

Share of video streams
20% Myspace
11% Yahoo sites
9% YT
4% TimeWarner
1% Google

Share of Traffic
33% YT
15% MySpace
(I missed a couple here)

54% of online users consume video
72% watched news video online

Video consumption moving from TV to video sites, and eventually to search. So, now’s the time to optimize.

* lack of simple taxonomy for producers to use
* search too dependent on text from video’s page
* ugly URLs
* Flash video players

Optimizing for News Sites
* train video editors to think like searchers — use keywords, etc.; searches for “michael richards” and “kramer” increased days after his episode; people often search for what they missed
* CNBC’s new site — good example of mixing video and text content
* CNN uses /video/ directory off root – easier to submit in bulk
* CBS News uses a “video site map” — same best practices a regular site map; repeat words like “video” and “news”
* if people can’t search and find your content, it doesn’t matter how good it is
* optimize your site for the term “video” in your industry
* take advantage of paid search — “michael richards” example; Reuters #1 AdWords result

Google Video
* links and anchor text are king; Top 10 rankings exactly match an allinanchor search for “Paris Hilton”

Gregory Markel, Infuse Creative

* video search influencing regular SERPs; video results appearing more often in SERPs
* watermark videos for free branding
* company slate at end of video can bring traffic to your site

Submission Types
– Crawled/URL Submit (SingingFish)
– File Upload — titles/descriptions very important; tags/keywords less so, but still important
– RSS/Media RSS (Yahoo)

Optimization Tips
– always include meta data
– encode multiple file types;
– titles & descriptions most heavily weighted
– optimize for keywords that are similar/relevant to currently hot terms
– watermark videos for branding
– include “send to a friend” prompt to encourage viral marketing
– leave lots of time for indexing
– tracking and reporting is a nightmare from engine to engine

Q&A Time

Eric: recency is important; non-fresh content gets pushed down; Google video rewards fresh content; anything outside of a year has trouble ranking, at least now

Gregory: makes sense that freshness of content is a factor, esp. for news; but we’re all guessing at this point; pay attention and study what does work for you

Eric: Yahoo Buzz is a good tool to use for keyword popularity, what’s hot

Gregory: (re: future) content providers are waiting to see which platform (phones, online, etc.) will win before they sink a lot of money

[tags]seschicago06, ses, video search, seo[/tags]