September ’08: Best Search/Marketing Posts

Filed in Link Roundups by Matt McGee on October 1, 2008

Time again for a roundup of the best search/marketing posts during September. I’m particularly pleased with this one because there are a lot of authors and blogs that you probably haven’t seen in previous recaps. Expanding horizons = a Good Thing.

If you’re new to SBS, this is a monthly feature. You can find earlier “Best Of”s for each month in the archives. Only rule is that my own posts are not eligible.

Small Business

Local Search

Link Building


Social Media


Blogs & Blogging


Online Marketing/General

LOL Funny!


Comments (9)

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  1. Dev Basu says:

    Howdy Matt! Thanks for mentioning my article and the link back. Much appreciated 🙂

  2. Cari McGee says:

    I don’t know, Matt…Danny’s post about the conversation with the idiot might have fit just as well into the “LOL Funny!” category. I’m not even in your line of work and I was guffawing my way through it!

  3. Melanie says:

    What a great resource! I’ll be bookmarking these every month into a folder, for sure, to keep them all together and refer back to. Thanks for this!

  4. I genuinely always enjoy these link roundups as you truly provide quality ones! Bookmarking it now and yes… new blogs/authors are ALWAYS good.

  5. Carrie Hill says:

    Hi Matt,
    Thanks for the mention 🙂

    There’s tons of stuff in here I missed…I need to stop relying on Twitter as my feed reader and actually look at the dang reader itself!


  6. Matt McGee says:

    You’re welcome, Dev and Carrie. Thank you, Melanie and Nick. And you’re right, Cari, I could’ve put that one in the LOL category….

  7. Vince says:

    It’s an honor to be in the SBS monthly feature! Thanks for the mention, Matt.

  8. Dan Connolly says:

    Wow what a great list. I have been reading for an hour and have only gotten to three of the posts!

  9. Matt McGee says:

    Thanks, Dan. 🙂 I post these roundups at the end of every month, so be sure to check back. Or, just subscribe to the RSS feed!