SEO Fantasy Football

Filed in Off-Topic by Matt McGee on September 3, 2006

While most folks in the U.S. are taking a day off tomorrow to enjoy the Labor Day holiday, some of us will be “laboring” … over our fantasy football teams and league!

What I think is the 1st-ever fantasy league for search marketers is up and running, courtesy of Evan and Jason at We have 12 teams and I don’t claim to know everyone in the league, but it includes folks like Rand of, Bill from SEO by the Sea, Barry from, Loren from Search Engine Journal, Garrett from Search Engine Lowdown, and others.

We draft tomorrow night and the season starts next weekend. I’m pretty sure non-owners can keep an eye on us at the league’s home page. Should be fun!

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  1. dazzlindonna says:

    Well, I’m not sure it’s the first ever, since many of us over at SEOrefugee have a league running at Yahoo. (Not sure if the public can view the league or not but it is at ). My team is the DazzlinDogs and we’re gonna win! LOL. In any case, y’all have fun, and we will too. Are you ready for some football!!!