Who Wants to Be a Search Engine Submission Expert?

Filed in Featured, SEO by Matt McGee on May 3, 2011

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over this. Take a look and tell me what you think.

LinkedIn recently introduced a section of its site called Skills — it’s basically a directory / search engine where you can find companies and individuals based on the skills they claim to have. For example, I might list myself under “local SEO,” “SEO,” “social media consulting,” “Twitter marketing” and things like that. Under no circumstance would I list myself in this section:


Yes, there’s actually a directory section where people are claiming to be skilled at Search Engine Submission.


Actually, there might actually be some logic to it. Since there are surely a lot of web site owners who still think you have to submit your site to search engines, this might be a great way to get new clients.

Hopefully, these folks listed here are telling these potential clients that search engine submission isn’t really necessary in this day and age. (Which is what the LinkedIn description also points out, as shown on the arrow above.)

Comments (6)

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  1. Dr. Pete says:

    Even by their own logic, you have to question the usefulness of listing yourself under a skill that is, AT BEST, “generally not necessary”. I wonder if anyone on LinkedIn needs my cave-painting and steamboat maintenance skills?

  2. Allen Taylor says:

    Then why do they have a category for it?

  3. Jim Rudnick says:

    @Matt…that’s funny! LOL!

    oh, and if only LinkedIN would list “igloo building” skills, I’d be there, eh!



  4. NIna Anthony says:

    I’d say that’s one of the most common SEO myths that I have to refute with my small business clients.

  5. Dino says:

    I’ve found Linked In to be a useless platform anyway. Thousands of connections and all I ever see is “so and so is now connected to so and so.”

    Linked In was a great idea, but the developers let it become irrelevant to anyone trying to build their business network.

    • Matt McGee says:

      Dino – you might try investigating some of the other features LinkedIn offers. If all you’re ever seeing are connection notices, you’re missing out on a lot of what LinkedIn offers. Countless small businesses, especially in the B2B area, are using LinkedIn groups, questions, skills (these are all site features) to gain visibility with potential customers/partners and grow their business.