Remember, the Camera Adds 10 Pounds…
(I was gonna title this one, “Wow, I really am fat.” Then I remembered always looking bigger than I was back in my TV sports anchor days. Whew. Should probably lose a few pounds, anyway, though.)
Oh, yeah, this isn’t supposed to be about me and my current weight. It’s about the SEMpdx Conference that took place about two months ago, and more specifically about some video clips that the organizers have posted.
There’s about a minute of my Local Search presentation right in the middle of the video. You’ll catch my co-presenters, Rand Fishkin and Stoney DeGeyter, early in the video, both speaking about keyword research issues. Good times.
By the way, how cool does Stoney look with the leather jacket? I just emailed him to let him know I’ll be dressing like that at every conference he doesn’t attend. 🙂
(Thx Todd/SEMpdx)
I hear that lunch can add 10 pounds too!
So, what… I’m going to have to attend SEO conference now so you don’t steal my “look”?
I’m still trying to figure out how I’ll pull that off in the summer months!
Yeah, the leather jacket might be tough in San Jose in August. But if you’re gonna be a fashion star, sometimes you have to suffer, right? 🙂