Recently over on Hyperlocal Blogger

Filed in Blogging by Matt McGee on May 7, 2009

Haven’t been over to Hyperlocal Blogger lately? No worries. Here’s a look at some of what’s been said on my other blog.

Review: MapPress Google Maps Plugin
Recently discovered this excellent WordPress plugin that makes it super simple to insert and customize a Google Map into your blog posts. I’ve tried several plugins like this, and this post explains why this has become my favorite.

Another Hyperlocal Blogging Blog Worth Reading
A quick post introducing BloggerLens, a new blog about hyperlocal blogging written by Steve Sherron.

‘Hyperlocal’ Hits CNN
Huge audiences have been introduced recently to the “hyperlocal” concept, thanks to major media coverage. CNn got in on the act a few days ago, and that’s good news for hyperlocal bloggers.

A little Hyperlocal at ad:tech
When I spoke at ad:tech a few weeks ago, I was pleasantly surprised to see hyperlocal directory provider with a booth on the main expo floor.

Local Bloggers are Getting No Respect
As the traditional press struggles to find its place in today’s online-driven world, they occasionally take potshots at the idea that … gasp … a blogger is capable of writing about local news, events, etc. This is a mini-rant about the lack of respect for local bloggers in places like the New York Times.

That covers about the past month. If you’re a small biz owner, local blogging can have bigtime benefits, particularly where SEO is concerned. Read the blog, subscribe to the feed, etc. etc.

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