Ready for SES…

Filed in Miscellaneous, Site News by Matt McGee on July 30, 2006

Whew. Finally finished the presentation for SES, which is coming up fast. Talk about being a fish out of water — not only will it be my first time attending an SES, but it’s also my first time speaking at any conference/event about SEM/SEO stuff. I think my biggest audience in the past for a talk on this material would’ve been the time we had 4 representatives of a client in our conference room for project planning. 🙂

Nervous? No…. I used to be a TV news and sports anchor/reporter, and I think having to fill time on a live TV broadcast seen by 10s of thousands is more nerve-wracking than an SES talk.

Besides, have you seen the other sessions happening at the same time as the Big Ideas for Small Sites and Small Budgets panel that I’m on? Matt Cutts and Jeremy Zawodny (and Gary Price’s name is there now, too) are on the “Search Engine Bloggers” panel opposite us … and if that’s not bad enough, there’s Boser, Grehan, Mastaler, and Ward on the “Linking Strategies” panel, too.

So, to the seven people who will be at our panel … please come up and say hello afterward and let the rookie know how he did. 🙂

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