Rae x Two: The Old and The New
Rae Hoffman must’ve just seen a GEICO commercial when she titled her post today as follows:
Why Links Matter: So Simple a Monkey Could Understand It
She says:
This post isn’t aimed at professional webmasters or search marketers. This is aimed at the person new to search engine optimization that needs a basic understanding of why they need to develop links, though professionals may find it useful for the new link developer or search marketing trainee.
I would add (and the reason I’m writing it up is) that it’s useful for any small business owner, too, who wants to get a little more understanding about the need for and benefit of inbound links.
That’s the “new” I refer to in the title. The “old” is this post from just about one year ago on WebmasterWorld, which has to rank as one of the all-time great link-related posts:
Link Development vs. Traffic Development and Staying with the Times
You’ll want to invest the time to reading that one.
And when you’re done, here a couple link-related posts from the archives here on SBS:
- The Ultimate Guide to Building the Perfect Link
- Linkbaiting for Small Businesses (or, What I Learned Last Week)
- LinkRank (or, It Takes a Link Village
[tags]seo, links, link building[/tags]