Quick Reputation Management Tip for Small Biz Owners

Filed in Reputation Mgmt. by Matt McGee on March 3, 2009

Small business owners: Do yourself a favor and go to Google right now, type your company name in, and hit return. Look at those results. Are they good? Are they bad? Do you wish one or two of them weren’t there?

Plan on doing this at least once a month, if not more often. Reputation management matters for small businesses. People are writing, reviewing, and blogging about you … and they’re showing up in your search results. It’s your job to watch and manage that.

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  1. Ryan Rose says:


    I’ve found (and I know many others have too) that setting up a series of Google Alerts is an easy way to monitor a brand name.

    Just wanted to point it out for those who may not be doing it yet.

  2. Frank Reed says:

    Great reminder to all small businesses of every size, shape and color. Too many times there are things out there floating around that can be detrimental to success but the awareness is almost nil.

    I have seen small biz types get blind sided by remarks that make the SERP’s and business has been lost despite their best efforts to explain things away.

    Thanks for the reminder, Matt.

  3. Jeet says:

    I think that would be universally applicable to business of all size. Recently read about sandisk following up with people complaining on twitter about their products. A small business may not have resources to conduct these searches on twitter but they can definitely check for blogs / review sites with a simple search.

    I use google alerts and recently subscribed to SM2 from techringy (saw it on techcrunch) 🙂

  4. Good tip by Ryan there. I see that Matt is on Twitter – we use it to engage with our users/visitors/partners in real-time. Businesses should tweet out of necessity, not for the sake of trends.