PayPal pros and cons…

Filed in Web Design by Matt McGee on September 20, 2006

A couple months ago I took part in a good discussion about PayPal on the Small Business Ideas forum, and one gentleman with experience in the credit card processing industry made several good posts showing both sides of the PayPal coin. I invited him to write a guest article about the pros and cons of PayPal for a small business, and agreed to post it here on SBS. He was excited about the idea … but never came through. (sigh)

So instead, I’ll point you to PayPal: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly by Rich Brooks of flyte new media. The article summarizes quite well what my experience has been in having a small portion of our small business clients want or need to use PayPal for payment processing.

[via Small Business CEO]

[tags]paypal, credit cards, merchant accounts, small business, e-commerce[/tags]

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  1. MrPenn says:

    I think your readers need to be aware that PayPal is not a bank. The writer sort of glazes over the rights you do or do not have with paypal.

    If someone pays you via paypal and their acct is deemed fraudulent, PayPal can demand the money back leaving you..well…screwed.

  2. Matt McGee says:

    It’s a short article, and I think all the points are glazed over. 🙂 But you’re right to point it out, Paul. The writer does mention that there are some horror stories out there where PayPal is concerned and has the link. Still, it’s the right solution for a lot of small businesses.

  3. MrPenn says:

    I agree hopefully someday but I do hope someday Google Checkout will be a real alternative to PayPal