One Less Reputation Management Tool

Filed in Reputation Mgmt. by Matt McGee on November 11, 2009

With Technorati in the midst of a major re-launch, it looks like we’ve lost one small-but-important reputation management tools: the ability to subscribe to keyword-based RSS feeds from Technorati’s blog database.

For ages, I’ve had Technorati RSS feeds setup for searches on my name and on “small business sem,” which is how many people refer to this blog. While checking RSS last night, I saw this alert from Technorati:


The message says that existing feeds have been “retired” and hints that new feeds are on the way. I went to Technorati last night and did those vanity searches, and sure enough … no RSS feeds available (yet).

It’d be nice to get this tool back.

Comments (2)

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  1. Alistair says:


    Is there any reason you use Technorati for that over setting up a Google Alert and subscribing to it in your favourite RSS reader?


  2. Matt McGee says:

    I use Technorati *in addition* to Google Alerts, *in addition* to Google Blogsearch RSS, *in addition* to other search alerts/RSS. To get a complete picture you have to use more than one source.