No SEMMY Awards for 2011-2012

Filed in Featured, SEMMY Awards by Matt McGee on March 27, 2011

SEMMYS logoIt’s probably obvious by now, but just to confirm: There will be no SEMMY Awards this year.

As I mentioned in early January, I’ve had too much on my plate so far this year to work on the SEMMYs. I hoped they might only be delayed for a month or two, but it looks like they’ll be delayed for a year or two, actually.

It’s too late now to do anything honoring the great content from 2010. So that’s not gonna happen.

Worse, there’s been nothing done so far this year to prepare for next year’s SEMMY Awards — no committee formed to find and nominate articles, no saving/bookmarking of great articles, etc. And, no, I don’t even have time to start on that right now, either. So there won’t be a SEMMY Awards in early 2012 to honor the best content from 2011.

The best-case scenario is that things quiet down next year, I put together a committee in January 2012 and we spend all year monitoring and nominating great content to be nominated for 2013. Fingers crossed that’s possible.

In short, the SEMMYs aren’t dead; they’re on hiatus until time allows them to be done right again.

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  1. MiriamEllis says:

    Sorry to hear this can’t be pulled off this year. I’ve really enjoyed the past SEMMYs and hope they can be revived in 2012. Nevertheless, it’s great to know you are busy and happy.