Need Local SEO Help? Try the Local U Forums

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on February 23, 2014

localu-logoI’ve been remiss in mentioning that the Local University crew recently opened up a members-only local search forum that gives everyone access to conversations and Q&A with the Local U faculty, not to mention some of the smartest minds in the local search/marketing industry.

It’s like drafting your own local search “dream team” and having access to ask questions whenever you want. Can’t beat that, especially since the monthly fee is less than what you’d spend for just one hour of consulting with folks like Mike Blumenthal, David Mihm, Mary Bowling, Mike Ramsey and the rest of the Local U crew (me included).

But it’s not just about access to Local U; other Forum members include Darren Shaw, Carrie Hill, Andrew Shotland, Phil Rozek and the list could go on and on.

Here are just a couple of the recent conversations started by our members:

That’s just a sample of what you’ll find. Since there’s a cost to join the forum, the content has a very good signal-to-noise ratio — people are having great discussions and getting real answers to serious questions.

The introductory price is just $99/month, and the first month is only $49. When you compare it to the cost of hiring a consultant, it’s a real bargain.

You can learn more in the formal announcement and the registration form is here.

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