Need Copywriting Help? Add Karon’s Blog to Your Reading List

Filed in Web Site Content by Matt McGee on August 24, 2008 2 Comments

I was real happy a couple months when I noticed that Karon Thackston had started blogging. I’d been reading her articles since way back when (when articles were more popular than blogs, I guess), and have also had the pleasure of working with her virtually as co-moderators of the Small Business Ideas Forum.

Karon’s been a great roll lately with her blog, and I just added a couple recent posts to what will become my end-of-month roundup. But they’re so good, they deserve an extra shout-out now:

How Many Keywords Are Enough?

This post tackles the keyword density myth, which we know still exists because people still wonder what the perfect keyword density is. Says Karon, “I do not see evidence that a standard, across-the-board “keyword density” is at play. Not to mention, forcing phrases into your page text to the point that it sounds utterly stupid makes no sense. It’s not going to help your rankings (except maybe on some sub-engines), and it will almost certainly turn off your site visitors.”

Do Article Sites Provide “Quality” Links?

The answer is “yes,” as long as you wisely choose the article sites to use for content syndication. An excerpt: “You can’t stereotype all article submission sites. You have to pick and choose. As I discussed in my previous article about duplicate content issues with article distribution, there are things you can do to improve your success.” Karon goes on to list several pointers for selecting article syndication sites.

You can find Karon’s blog here: Marketing Words Copywriting Blog. If you’re looking for copywriting help/education, add it to your feed reader and enjoy.

Comments (2)

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  1. ldonovan says:

    Finding the right keywords was always a challenge for me. It’s those catchy phrases and headlines that can make or break your advertising. I found that adwords with glyphius helped me the most.

  2. B.E. says:

    5 % of keyword stuffing should be more then enough to convince Google without damaging your text quality.

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